
Let It Burn Records

Do you know how hard the guys from Let It Burn Records, based in Germany are working? Here is a short overview of their work:

- ZM´s Electric Lips Music-Video has been chosen by the Metalhammer-Desk to appear on the Maximum Metal DVD Vol. 150. The DVD comes along free with the April Edition of the almighty Metal Hammer Magazine and has a circulation of 80.000 copies. You can certainly say that Zero Mentality is in good company on this one: Kiss, Legion of the Damned, Airbourne, Lacuna Coil, Municipal Waste and Callejon are some of the other featured artists. The DVD contains 10 Video Clips and some nice extras. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=102210563

- Let it Burn Records released a 10 year anniversary label sampler titled "10 Years of Values and Vices" featuring 24 partly unreleased and exclusive tracks by ZERO MENTALITY, TO KILL, FINAL PRAYER, BLACK FRIDAY '29, TEAMKILLER, GOLDUST, STORM & STRESS, DEATHSPIRIT, BLACKOUT ARGUMENT, RED TAPE PARADE, TODAY WE RISE and THE CASSIDY SCENARIO. The sampler comes along as DIGITAL DOWNLOAD CARD (including video and photo material besides the music) and can be ordered here: http://www.letitburn.de/store/article/307/ for 3,00 Euro. 

- LET IT BURN RECORDS launched their very own iPhone/iPod Touch app a few weeks ago. The app features tourdates, free music, news, blog entries, tweets, videos, pictures and links of the label and its bands. you can download the app FOR FREE at www.app.letitburn.de.

- Further we have received the Goldust - Destroyer/Borderlines CD (to be released on 4 April 2010) which we will review in a few days. 

Please check for updates the following sites: letitburnrecords.com; blog.letitburn.de