

Let me introduce EXPECT RESISTANCE (not the CrimethInc. Book), a new project by my friend Lexi from Germany. Hardcore lost in my opinion in the last years many of the main important topics, one big to be mentioned is Politics and Activity accordingly. So he invented this new project:

EXPECT RESISTANCE was founded in summer 2009 with the idea to bring animal rights, human rights and politics back to a scene where sometimes those ideals seem to have become trash on the sidewalks of the roads. Of course, not everything’s bad in today’s hardcore scene, there’s still bands having their say.

Our goal is to raise funds to donate them to leftist activists, organisations, collectives who will use that money for a good cause. Humyns struggling to make this world a better place to live for all living beings.

The above Shirt is available for 10 Euros at the Expect Resistance Store.

Please support this important project; You'll get a shirt and you'll be active at the same time.
