
Blacktop Records quits

Some of you may know this, some of you may have suspected it and the remainder will come to know it now: Death Is Not Glamorous' CD „Soft Clicks“, released in December 2008, was the last release on BLACKTOP Records.
There will not be any new releases on BLACKTOP Records.

There are lots of reasons. But most important is, that BLACKTOP Records has never been an ineffectual label and never will be an ineffectual label. Considering the available time, there is no possibility to keep up the standards I have. You will have the possibility to read more about it in some selected online- and printmagazines.

The Estore, as well as wholesale operations will continue for a longer time. There will be vast knockdowns in the Estore really soon, so make sure to check this out.

I would like to thank all cooperative labels, distributors, distros, photographers and all supporting kids and dozens more. Long list!
I would like express my greatest gratitude to Ritual, Within Walls, Nine, Up The Fury, End Of A Year, Deathbed, Black Haven, Storm & Stress, Just Went Black, Endstand, Lighthouse Project, Black Friday 29, The Blackout Argument, Waterdown, Within Walls and Death Is Not Glamorous.

Blacktop spreads, Blacktop speeds,
-Niko // BLACKTOP Records

